Yoga, Diet and Fashion: Three Key Elements to Motivation

Alala Active Wear

Yoga, Diet & Fashion: Three Key Elements to My Motivation

Guest blogger: photosbycris

It is clear to us all that exercise is an important and fundamental part of our busy everyday lives.

More and more, we are bombarded with diets and how to get in shape without exercise. Yes, it is right, I am a living proof that it is possible to lose weight without exercise, however, is it beneficial? The short answer is no. Recently lost 15 kilos, yes I lost weight rapidly due to personal matters in my life. At first, I thought great, now all I have to do is keep it off. So, I cut sugar from my diet, it was the best thing I could’ve done. I started eating a clean healthy diet, it was also another amazing step in the direction of keeping my weight low.

After a while though, I noticed that my muscles were had begun to diminish. I was slim but not toned. I was the weight I wanted to be, but I was unfit. I decided to slowly implement exercise into my daily routine. I started with Yoga! Why Yoga? Because it was a gentle process to begin body moving again in a conscious way without an overdose of cardio that I knew I would not respond well to.

I knew I needed to look after my body as well as my mind, and yoga was the perfect fit to get me back on track of a daily exercise routine. I managed to practice from the comfort of my home because of my busy schedule. I also took advantage to practice on the beach, while breathing fresh air and enjoying outdoors.

It’s worth noting that I had a strong practice of yoga in the past for many years, this helps me now as I try to follow classes to make sure I do it safely. If you are unfamiliar with yoga it’s a good idea to begin in a class environment where you can benefit from the guidance, support, and adjustments of your yoga instructor. Yoga was not only a great exercise to get me moving again, but it was also playing an important role in shaping my lifestyle to a healthier and a happier one.

To keep myself motivated and encouraged, I decided to exercise every day and I noticed that wearing the right clothes was a form of motivation. When you feel good on the inside you start to care more about how you look on the outside. It felt good to invest in activewear that was easy to move in but also lifted my spirits.

Have you ever noticed that what we wear is usually a mirror of how we feel? I realised that wearing a super cool, beautiful activewear outfits encouraged me to exercise. Soon, it became my favourite clothes to wear, not only for fitness but also as a casual look. Believe me, it makes a huge difference to how I feel.

I look at it as an investment in myself! An investment in my wellbeing and it motivates me to get out there and wear it!

When you buy something you love with a purpose the purpose becomes action. It will keep you moving, you invested in yourself, you invested in your health so it is more likely that you will wear it for a reason.

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Activewear is no longer for the gym only. It is comfortable, casual, fashionable style in its own right. It is for the health conscious people who enjoy living a healthy lifestyle with style.

At this point in my life I I really wanted to find healthy products to keep me feeling great and gave me energy.

My search for the right supplements began and I found that the majority of protein shakes and energy bars were not always the best option, because some are packed with protein but are also packed with sugar and carbs. We all know that to look our best on the outside we must take care of how we feel inside.

I recently discovered Keto Diet supplements; A Doctor-Approved Clean Nutrition that has a selection of items that are low in carbs. All products are made in the USA. They are gluten free, soy free, lactose and dairy free. NON-GMO and it is paleo friendly.

What is a Ketogenic diet? It is a diet that lowers carbohydrates and blood glucose, the stored fat is broken down by the Enzyme Lipase, the fats are metabolised in the liver to ketones which will increase your energy levels and it is fuel for brain and muscle. Learn More about these amazing products.

My journey toward a healthy and well balance lifestyle has just begun and I want to encourage you to leave your comments below and let me know what is your favourite exercise and how do you keep yourself motivated when it comes to health, exercise and wellbeing.

Wishing you all an amazing day xoxo



  1. Happy you are feeling good Cris. To be well physically and mentally is essential to lead an active and rich life as you already know. This is a very nice blogpost, one of your bests. Namaste! - Dominique

    1. Hello Beautiful, thank you so much for the lovely comment Please do check You will love it. Have a wonderful week xoxo Cris

  2. Ja się odprężam przy tworzeniu nowych projektów.


    1. Proszę sprawdzić dla jogi, dobrego samopoczucia i żywienia keto Dziękuję bardzo

  3. Oh, I neither eat sugar and workouts belong also to my routine! You can be proud of you about what you reached!
    xx Rena

    1. Thank you kindly beautiful Yes, it is a constant work in progress Have a lovely week babe xoxo Cris

    2. Yes, it is! Have a lovely weekend <3 xoxo Rena

  4. Perfect elements and great motivation... well done, Cris!
    Kisses, Paola.


  5. Ma sai che non ho mai provato a fare yoga.. Da provare assolutamente


    1. Dovresti amarlo Si prega di controllare per yoga, il benessere di una nutrizione keto Grazie mille bella xoxo Cris

  6. wow thanks for the tips girl, I think I need to cut sugar out my diet also!

    1. You are very welcome babe Thanks for being here Please do check for yoga, wellbeing an keto nutrition Have a wonderful week babe xoxo Cris

  7. I loved this post so personal. I have never done yoga, although I try to go at least once or twice a week to the gym to do cardio exercises.

    1. Hi beautiful thank you kindly Yes I rarely write a personal post so I am so glad you liked it Cardio is also really good you should try yoga I bet you will love it too Please do check for yoga, wellbeing an keto nutrition Have a wonderful week babe xoxo Cris

  8. Please do check for yoga, wellbeing an keto nutrition

  9. Replies
    1. Me too babe It is such a wonderful exercise. Thanks for being here. Please don't forget to check for yoga wellbeing and so much more. xoxo Cris

  10. That is amazing Cris and I know how hard it can be to keep it from coming back again. Yoga is such a fun workout. I don't do much of it anymore but been wanting to make time for it again. I always find it to be great for mental health too


    1. Hi babe so true Yoga is excellent for the body and mind. Hope you make time for it. Thanks for the lovely comment Have a wonderful day and Please don't forget to check for yoga wellbeing and so much more. xoxo Cris

  11. I love yoga! I've been trying to get back into it lately. x

    Kate Louise Blogs

    1. Me too you definitely should babe It is sooo good Have a lovely day beautiful xoxo Cris

  12. Great tips Cris! I remember when I cut back on sugar a few years ago my I felt sluggish and tired at first. Once my body got used to the reduction in sugar, I started to have more energy.

    1. Thanks so much I totally agree with you, my energy level is very high, my skin and hair are looking much better and I feel like eating less. When I was having a lot of sugar in my diet I felt tired that led me to eat more sugar and carbs and made me feel hungry all the time. So cut down on sugar is a very good thing. I have a treat sometimes, which is okay as long as it is not everyday. Thanks babe have a great day xoxo Cris

  13. I've never done yoga but I'd like to try it... Very great post. Have a beautiful day!

    1. Thank you so much Sara I think you would love it Have a wonderful day too xoxo Cris

  14. Such an awesome post, Cris! Thanks for sharing! :)

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  15. Omg! I really needed this motivation ! great post dear

  16. Estupendo post! Feliz fin de semana! 🍁🍁🍁

  17. Ohh yes yoga is the best! I love doing yoga to stretch the muscles after a tough workout.

  18. Such a interesting post. I was do yoga and feel awesome, but now I started with intensive training. Never before I didn't try supplements but thank you for recommendation.

    Blog -
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    1. Thanks a lot for the beautiful comment and you are most welcome beautiful xoxo Cris

  19. This is amazing. Sounds like a great one! Thanks for sharing it!
    Have a great week!
    Much love, Len

  20. Each and every word that you said was sooo correct and true. Even I have learnt yoga. Though I run, running is what i enjoy the most.

    1. That is great to know beautiful Do whatever makes you happy as long as you are exercising Thank you so much xoxo Cris

  21. You look so fit and toned. I want to tone my muscles too, thanks for the inspo.

    1. Hi Mercy thanks so much I am not in these images please check link to see Danielle she is amazing xoxo Cris

  22. Cheers for this wicked post. I was wondering whether you were planning of publishing similar posts to this. .Keep up the great posts! helpful hints

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