Haven for Health Retreat
We all know that life is getting busier by the second, and most of us wished we had more hours in a day, however it is not possible. So, if time does not slow down, we must do it. We forget that we are human beings and we are not always kind to ourselves as we do not allow time to enjoy simple moments such as a break without thinking about the To Do list that is waiting for us. I have to say, I am the same. I am so bad that anxiety and stress can get in my way. Last year, after a big health scare I decided to change my life. I promised to myself that I was going to love myself more and I was going to be kind to my body and mind. I joined the gym, tried to stress less and spent more time with family and friends. There are so many ways we can De-Stress and one of them is to get away if we can. Change the environment and enjoy nature. That is what I did this week when I went to HAVEN FOR HEALTH , a retre